November  2022

Star Fleet Universe News


       We combined the October and November issues into one newsletter. That's why you get four Play Value Extras this month: Romulan Turkey for SFB, Romulan Turkey for FC, Scenario for SFB, All Hallows Squash Destroyer for FC. Plus, as a bonus, the whole family of Turkey variants for F&E!

       In other big news, we have released F&E Advanced Operations 2022 (AO22) to the PDF stores. Send your reports, and we will do the definitive hard copy next year.


Tenneshington Decals continues to add new decals to their various product lines in different scales.

New this month is markings for the Federation Gettysburg-variant CB heavy command cruiser (with the Lexington-variant CC command cruiser added several months ago). Both of these variants of the Constitution-class cruiser feature unique window patterns and hatch markings to suit the ADB's Shapeways 3D-printed miniatures and are available in 1/3788 and 1/3125 scales.

Beyond these new additions, a wide selection of ships are available, with more to come (the Federation CX advanced technology cruiser is in-work). The 3788 scale decals are also great to use on ADB's metal Starline 2400 ships and the 3125 scale decals can be used on ADB's metal Starline 2500 ships. Tenneshington will also continue to offer their legacy decals for Starline 2500 ships as special orders, for customers wishing to match their existing minis.

As with all of their products, the names on the ships are up to the customer and all sheets are custom-printed to order.

Additional decal sets are available for shuttlecraft, sets of glowing engine panels for the various sizes, and also sets to detail any ship with additional window blocks, sensors, hatches, and even phaser scars.

For more information or to download the order sheet, check them out at [1]. Or if you prefer, email Will McCammon at: or Tony L. Thomas at:

        Our website,, continues to grow and improve. You are welcome to send us your requests, comments, and suggestions. Simone Dale, our graphics director, continues to update the website, do covers for the new products, shut down pirate websites, help out around the company, and learn more about the game business.


        Jean continues to improve our page on Facebook, adding many new photos and other features.
        If you haven't seen the 1,000+ pieces of art in the albums, you should drop by and visit. You don't have to be a member of Facebook to see our page, but if you are, please become our friend so you can get information in your newsfeed.
        If you've already liked us on Facebook, but are not seeing our posts, then remember to check your new "Pages Feed" on the left menu. You can also go to our page and hover over the "Liked" button. Be sure that "Get Notifications" is checked.

        ADB has a Twitter feed. We are ADBInc_Amarillo. You'll find news as well as links to pictures. Check us out and retweet news of interest to your own followers. We're excited and our next goal is to get 400 followers. Help us reach that, please.

        StarFleetGames has taken its act to YouTube and we now have a YouTube channel. Our goal is to create a video for the new product releases during each month. We have "In the Box" videos to show you what you will see when you unpack your new game. We have also done "Spotlights" on a single product or product line. So pull up a chair and join us at the movies! Our newest uploads are:

Star Fleet Marines Part 1
Star Fleet Marines Part 2
ADB Late May 2011
Starline 2500 Miniatures Review
Star Fleet Battle Force in the box

        A customer asked about posting "tutorial videos" for our games. We like it when people do that (and even give commendation medals) but you need to have us check the videos to make sure you aren't violating something somehow (or that you didn't make a rules error). Doing such videos to make money is not cool. Please drop us an email before you post the videos.

        Our StarBlog has moved to a new URL and all links on websites have been changed to match. The new site is
        The blog covers all aspects of the company.


         Star Fleet Legions isn't a new game; it is all of you who play any of our Star Fleet Universe games.
         For a game universe that is 36 years old, it seems odd (but very gratifying) that the number of active players is growing, not diminishing. We can tell this by the number of people on the fan pages, the number of Rangers and battle groups, the number of new Starlist entries, and of course by the sales numbers.
         Starlist is growing by an average of 10 new entries and five updates per month. There are 1,240 active names on the list (plus overseas, Canada, and those who last contacted us in 1991-2004). Not on Starlist? Fill out your application here:
         Battle groups have been forming up left and right. We started with one in Tennessee. Now there are battle groups in California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, and Washington. We've gone international with groups in Canada, England, and Taiwan. Battle groups are doing demos, tournaments, and game days in stores and conventions. Do you have a group you game with? Join us here:
         How have these battle groups been forming? Usually through the hard work of a Ranger. Rangers run demos, start game days, contact conventions, reach out to stores, and promote Star Fleet Universe games. Do you want to be a Ranger? Start here:  

        This month we feature Battle Group Hampton Roads, headquartered in Hampton, Virginia. CO William Phillips reports they play Star Fleet Battles and Federation & Empire. They also enjoy attending gaming conventions. Read more here:

         Do you have a battle group? Be sure to report your activities here:

         Do you want to see if there's a battle group near you? Check out the map here:

Facebook Fan Pages

         If you are on Facebook, you have no doubt heard of ADB's page on Facebook. Did you know there are fan pages galore? Fan pages are groups that are started and administered by fans. They are independent of ADB, so we may not know about all of them. These are ones we know about that support the Star Fleet Universe:

So join us on Facebook and get a fix of your favorite game there, too!


        As announced in Captain's Log #54, Jean Sexton Beddow's husband, Al Beddow has been appointed to take over the day-to-day of running the SFU Ranger demo team. He comes with a bit of experience both teaching various types of games as well as having been in quite a few demo teams (and ran/helped run a few). He is most familiar with GURPS Prime Directive but early on played ACTASF and spent Gencon 2012 demoing it in the Mongoose Publishing booth there.
        They announce: We have big changes coming to the program. A new handbook, suggestions for demoing our games, and vastly improved rewards. All we can safely say about the (already approved) rewards is they will include ALL physical products and PDFs – but nothing on
        To kick all this off we are verifying everyone’s email, plus getting their handles on the Federation Commander Forum and BBS. Our official comms will be the hidden Ranger section of the Forum, which are for handling business, answering questions, providing links to resources, etc. The Facebook group will be our more public social space, but no one is required to join FB if they don’t want to. 

        So, we are asking each of you to email Al at the address below with the following:

        - Name
        - Email (preferably the one used on DTRPG/Wargame Vault)
        - Forum Handle
        - BBS Handle

        Al will add you to the Ranger group on the forum once he has this info, which will let you access our area there. He is looking forward to working with all of you to spread the news of the Star Fleet Universe!

        Current stats: We have heard from 22 of our Rangers and have three new ones! We are excited to see the Rangers becoming active as playing in person and cons once again start up.

Jean Sexton Beddow
Ranger Commandant 

Al Beddow
Sergeant-Major for Ranger Operations

Ranger Email:

FB Group:

ADB Forums:




        Jean Sexton Beddow has succeeded in recruiting two ambassadors (Michael C. Baker and A. David Merritt) to carry the word of the Star Fleet Universe to other websites. They (and Jean) were awarded the first ever "Star Fleet Ambassador Badges" as well as appropriate medals for their service to date. These ambassadors do not just repeat press releases; they answer questions, encourage discussion, and help people find the relevant documents on our website. Contact Jean Sexton Beddow if you want to volunteer for ambassador duty.

        Take a journey with us to an ancient age, just one step up from carving game rules on clay tablets. The year 1973 was at the very dawn of the independent wargame publishing companies. Typesetting was done with a manual typewriter, print-on-demand meant the photocopier at the library, counters were printed on paper (and drawn by hand), page layout was done with scissors and cellophane tape, and two guys in a garage could turn out a wargame magazine that won two Origins Awards. The point was creativity, new ideas, and imagination. Production values would have to come later.
        That magazine was JagdPanther (Hunting Panther), created and run by the same Stephen V. Cole who later co-founded Task Force Games and then went on to found Amarillo Design Bureau. We found the ancient archives of this game company (which ran from 1973-1976, producing 15 magazines, about 50 games, hundreds of variants, and dozens of game reviews) and have placed them on Warehouse 23 so they are available to collectors. (Old issues have been selling on Ebay for over $100 each.) Issue #1, Issue #2, Issue #3, Issue #4, Issue #5, Issue #6, Issue #7, Issue #8, Issue #9, Issue #10, Issue #11, Issue #12, Issue #13, Issue #14 and Issue # 15 are uploaded.

Custom Decals for Starline ships



Tenneshington Decals continues to produce decal sets made to fit Federation starships in ADB's Shapeways 3788, 3125, 7000 "Elite", and 2500 "Prestige" scales. A wide selection of ships are available, with sets for the CVo operational ("flatbed") carrier, CVA heavy fleet carrier, CF fast cruiser, and DDF fast destroyer recently added. The 3788 scale decals are also great to use on ADB's metal Starline 2400 ships and the 3125 scale decals can be used on ADB's metal Starline 2500 ships. Tenneshington will also continue to offer their legacy decals for Starline 2500 ships as special orders, for customers wishing to match their existing minis.

As with all of their products, the names on the ships are up to the customer and all sheets are custom-printed to order.

Additional decal sets are available for shuttlecraft and to sets to detail any ship with additional window blocks, sensors, hatches, and even phaser scars.

For more information or to download the order sheet, check them out at Or if you prefer, email Will McCammon at: or Tony L. Thomas at: .





Update to Sapphire Star IX:

With Sapphire Star tournaments IX and X finished, XI is now running. The second Sapphire Crown tournament will kick off on 1 June with the four most recent winners.



        Due to the COVID-19 virus, many conventions have been cancelled. We encourage you to check out Star Fleet Battles Online where there is a free demo version. It is a good way to hang out with others who play Star Fleet Battles and Federation Commander. Check it out here:

        Star Fleet  Battles games are  played regularly in Columbus, Ohio, on Sunday afternoons at the Soldiery. Lee Hanna is the contact person.

Download Transmissions

       HAILING FREQUENCIES: This is our newsletter and will let you know all the news for all our games. You can subscribe here. Have you missed an earlier newsletter? Click here to get caught up!

       COMMUNIQUE: This monthly magazine repeated much of the same information that Hailing Frequencies does. December 2019 was the last month it was published. Old issues can be downloaded from the Commander's Circle.

       COMMANDER'S CIRCLE: We continue to improve the Commander's Circle. All of the ships and scenarios are available as separate documents (the ships are organized by empire) so you can quickly see what is available. The FC Scenario Database and Master Ship Chart documents are also here. Our newest project was suggested by our players and is uploading low-toner Ship Cards. The Commander's Circle is the best place to find free additions to Federation Commander!

Mini of the Month
         Every month we will feature one or more of our miniatures. If you paint miniatures, submit pictures of your minis and they may be selected for the next Mini of the Month!

This is the 3788 Scale Lyran Java Tiger Heavy Command Cruiser (CCH) painted by Nick Samaras.

Help us pick the mini of the month on our page on Facebook. The mini with the most likes and shares will become the mini of the month. Vote for the ones you like!

New Releases


SFB Romulan Turkey

FC All Hallows Destroyer
FC Romulan Turkey

You can look at Hailing Frequencies Extras here.

Click here to see our previous issues of Hailing Frequencies.


Recently Released

Cadet Training Handbook Reprint Edition
, SKU 5620, $9.95
Federation & Empire: Tactical Operations
, SKU 3216, $36.95
Starmada Battleships Armada Unity
SKU 6135, $16.95
Star Fleet Battles: Module R2 Rulebook Revised for 2021
, SKU 5607-2, $7.95
Federation & Empire: Combined Operations 2021
, SKU 3207, $29.95
SFB: Module R4J –Shadow of the Eagle
, SKU 5638, $17.95
SFB: Module R4T – Tholian Will
, SKU 5637, $25.95
GURPS Romulans 2021 SKU 8404, $24.95
GURPS Klingons 2020 SKU 8403, $24.95
SKU M30002, $29.95
Tholian Master Starship Book
SKU 5437, $24.95
SFB: Module J – Fighters! 2020
, SKU 5604, $19.95
Distant Armada Unity
, SKU 6134, $16.95
Gorn Master Starship Book
SKU 5436 $23.95
Captain's Log # 54
, SKU 5754, $24.95
Captain's Log # 54 SSDs, SKU 5754-2, $3.50
Captain's Log # 54 Supplement, SKU 5754-S, $4.00

       We’re now offering some of our miniatures and some new designs on Shapeways.
       You can check out the store here:

Click here and you can see all of the products we have avaliable as PDF and Ebooks.



Federation & Empire: Advanced Operations 2022 Rulebook
Captain's Log #51

Captain's Log #51 Supplemental File
Captain's Log #51 Color SSDs
Federation & Empire: Strategic Operations 2022 Rulebook
F&E Romulan Civil War Playtest Counters

Captain's Log #50

Captain's Log #50 Supplemental File
Captain's Log #50 Color SSDs
Captain's Log #34

Federation & Empire: Tactical Operations Rulebook

SFB: Module R2 Rulebook Revised for 2021
Federation Commander: Klingon Ship Card Pack #5

Federation & Empire: Combined Operations 2021 Rulebook

Federation & Empire: Planetary Operations 2021 Rulebook

Captain's Log #33

SFB: Module R4J - Shadow of the Eagle - Rulebook 

SFB: Module R4J - Shadow of the Eagle  - Black/White SSDs
SFB:Module R4J - Shadow of the Eagle - Color SSDs 
GURPS Romulans Revised

Captain's Log #32

Star Fleet Marines Battle Manual

SFB: Module R4T - The Tholian Will - Rulebook

SFB: Module R4T - The Tholian Will -  Black/White SSDs
SFB:Module R4T - The Tholian Will - Color SSDs
Captain's Log #31

Captain's Log #49

Captain's Log #49 Color SSDs
SFB: Module E5 - North Polar Republic (Black/White)

SFB: Module E5 - North Polar Republic (Color)
SFB: Module J – Fighters! Rulebook

SFB: Module J – Fighters! Black/White SSDs
SFB: Module J – Fighters! Color SSDs
Captain's Log #30


Federation & Empire: Advanced Operations 2022 Rulebook (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Captain's Log #51 ( DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Captain's Log #51 Supplemental File (DriveThru RPG or  Wargame Vault)
Captain's Log #51 Color SSDs  (DriveThru RPG or  Wargame Vault)
Federation & Empire: Strategic Operations 2022 Rulebook (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
F&E Romulan Civil War Playtest Counters ( DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Captain's Log #50 ( DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Captain's Log #50 Supplemental File (DriveThru RPG or  Wargame Vault)
Captain's Log #50 Color SSDs  (DriveThru RPG or  Wargame Vault)
Captain's Log #34  (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Federation & Empire: Tactical Operations Rulebook (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
SFB: Module R2 Rulebook Revised for 2021 (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Federation Commander: Klingon Ship Card Pack #5 (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Federation & Empire: Combined Operations 2021 Rulebook (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Federation & Empire: Planetary Operations 2021 Rulebook (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Captain's Log #33  (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
SFB: Module R4J - Shadow of the Eagle - Rulebook (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
SFB: Module R4J - Shadow of the Eagle -  Black/White SSDs (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
SFB:Module R4J - Shadow of the Eagle - Color SSDs (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
GURPS Romulans Revised (DriveThru RPG)
Captain's Log #32  (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Star Fleet Marines Battle Manual (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
SFB: Module R4T - The Tholian Will - Rulebook (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
SFB: Module R4T - The Tholian Will -  Black/White SSDs (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
SFB: Module R4T - The Tholian Will - Color SSDs (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Captain's Log #31  (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Captain's Log #49 ( DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Captain's Log #49 Color SSDs  (DriveThru RPG or  Wargame Vault)
SFB: Module E5 - North Polar Republic (Black/White) (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
SFB: Module E5 - North Polar Republic (Color) (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
SFB: Module J – Fighters! Rulebook (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
SFB: Module J – Fighters! Black/White SSDs (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
SFB: Module J – Fighters! Color SSDs (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Captain's Log #30  (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)

For the Glory of the Empire


Ask Admiral Vanaxilth


         Mike Kenyon asks: Rule (J1.635) says that enemy shuttle launches are part of the same rate as friendly launches (not landings) on a ship. If I have an enemy shuttle aboard and both of us want to launch on Impulse #4, who does? Does the host ship or the enemy get right of way out of the bay?
         ANSWER: I sent this to Kommodore Ketrick who replied: This is one of those obscure questions that hardly ever comes up (so it does not seem to have a previous answer), but apparently it now has come up. There are other considerations.
         Yes, rule (J1.634) is pretty specific that enemy shuttles landing aboard a ship do so at their own rate and irrespective of the rate of the ship they are landing on. Thus Andy Vancil could launch or land a shuttle from his ship on the very same impulse that you are landing aboard it. Your shuttles are, of course, then governed by (J1.52), i.e., they cannot take off for at least eight impulses (same, of course for Andy's shuttle).
         So the crux does become that at least eight impulses previously you landed a shuttle in Andy's bay. Now both your shuttle and one of Andy's shuttles are trying to leave the bay, and under (J1.635) the "normal rules" apply, so only one shuttle can take off. We are assuming a normal bay, no Catastrophic Damage Impending Destruction, no minelaying, etc.
          Toss a coin. Or roll a die, odds you get to launch, even he gets to launch.

         Josh Driscol asks: On Impulse #1 of Turn #3 a voided wild weasel is recovered by tractor. Is the first opportunity to begin charging the shuttle as wild weasel again with reserve power Impulse #2 of Turn #4?
         ANSWER: You have to service the shuttle (one deck crew action) before you can begin preparing it for another mission. It has been previously ruled (Captain's Log #32) that you cannot apply power to start arming it until it has been serviced, even though it is going to be used for the same mission. However, if both your informal deck crews are available, you could put them both to work on the shuttle (starting on Impulse #2 of Turn #3), and have it ready to start charging (with reserve power) on Impulse #18 of Turn #3. You could then launch the wild weasel as early as Impulse #18 of Turn #4.
          Follow-up Question: If the ship were Hydran and it used two deck crew actions on the shuttle after recovering it, could it be started with reserve power on Impulse #17 of Turn #3?
          ANSWER: As noted above, anyone could do this, but since you cannot start servicing the shuttle on the impulse it lands (J4.8172), you would have to wait until Impulse #18 of Turn #3.
         Follow-up Question: In Module T-2000 it says that deck crews can repair fighters but not administrative shuttles. Can they even be used to service admin shuttles in a tournament game? Obviously deck crew repair of fighters and reloading fighter weapons rules are used, but the rules in (J1.865) - (J1.869) use deck crew actions for servicing admin shuttles also. Without deck crews how do the other empires' tournament ships get their admins serviced?
         ANSWER: The restriction is on repairing, not servicing. Deck crews (formal or informal) can service shuttles, including unloading a scatter-pack, reactivating the weapons on an inert or aborted suicide shuttle, etc.
(End of Admiral Vanaxilth)



         Q: If I want to use directed damage on a carrier group, how does that interact with SFGs freezing some of the ships in the group (312.271)?
         A: Only the smallest escort can be frozen, and, if it is placed in stasis, it is not considered part of the group anymore. The rest of the group could then be targeted by your one directed damage attack if you choose to not used directed damage on the frozen ships.

         Q: You are only allowed to target the outermost escort with an SFG (312.271), so are you generally hoping for random choices to get the rest?
         A: Correct. Only the ships selected for the random roll can be frozen. Only the smallest ship in a group can be selected by the attacker, and then the defender chooses his ships by selecting any unselected ships including but not limited to the next smallest ships in the group that were not selected.

         Q: New sector bases were added to the game, but not to the SFG rules charts. What table would a sector base with a single SFG (452.11) use? (The rule limits sector bases to one SFG.)
         A: A sector base with the one allowed SFG would use the SBA (starbase) tables. It would use SBA-1, -2, or -3 depending on the number of targets but cannot use SBA-4 because no unit with only one SFG can use that.
(End of F&E Q&A)

Cool Stuff on the Website

       In this section we will provide links to various web pages and items that we think you will find "cool".
       We have recently updated the look and design of the Rangers Page, check it out here: Rangers Page
       Here are links to various flyers you can use to advertise your Demos and Game Days: Ranger Resources
       Here are links to the new pages of Starline 2500 miniatures pictures.
       Starline 2500 Battleships page
       Starline 2500 Federation Miniatures
       Starline 2500 Klingon Miniatures
       Starline 2500 Romulan Miniatures
       Starline 2500
       Traveller Prime Directive
       Call to Arms Star Fleet

       We have also uploaded new Xander wallpapers to our Wallpapers section on the website: Wallpapers
       We have new images of our game Star Fleet Marines posted on our BBS topic page.


       These are the press releases we send to the wholesalers, retailers, and media. You can get on the mailing list for them by asking to add you to the list. (Obviously, they are free.) They are uploaded to the Star Fleet Alert page

Alert 190709 CL53 (Adobe Acrobat Required)
Alert 190309 Distribution (Adobe Acrobat Required)
Alert 170327 CL52
(Adobe Acrobat Required)
Alert 160531 Cart
(Adobe Acrobat Required)
Alert 160518 Captain's Log #51 (Adobe Acrobat Required)
Alert 160317 For the Glory
(Adobe Acrobat Required)
Alert 150331 Captain's Log #50
(Adobe Acrobat Required)

FC Tactic of the MonthIN PRAISE OF DRONES
by Cadet Manny Moreno, USS America

         The greatest strength of drones is their power-to-damage ratio. For zero power, you get twelve points of warhead. No other weapon can hope to match that. While it may be discouraging that those twelve points are by no means guaranteed (particularly when you consider that phasers will always do damage up close), drones have much, much longer ranges.
         Drones are such a good deal that the enemy cannot afford to let them hit. He must stop them, which means using weapons against the drone and not your ship.
         Drones are also exceptional at controlling space and, more importantly, power. Outside of dedicated defenses (ADDs, phaser-3s, and counter-drones), each drone will require one point of power to stop. That is a two-point power gap: the point you did not spend, and the one your opponent did. In addition, there may be another point to tractor it when the phaser misses, and another point for a second phaser shot later.
(End of FC Tactic of the Month)

SFB Tactic of the Month
by Lieutenant J.G. Gary Carney, HMCS Ontario

         The Wing Cruiser, one of the four ships armed with particle splitter torpedoes offered for the Vari Combine in Captain's Log #23, is from the new generation of Omega Octant cruisers capable of fighting at Speed 31. While not a true "war cruiser" (like the Romulan SparrowHawk or the WYN Orca), it is a dramatic improvement over its predecessor, the light cruiser.
         While the R-section for the ship mentions other variants in service, the base hull is armed with a quartet of particle splitter torpedoes, a loadout intended to take advantage of the ship's power curve (a full eight points of generated power above the light cruiser). However, even with this more generous amount of power to spend, some care must be taken in terms of which power level to arm the ship's particle splitter torpedoes at.
         The Vari particle splitter torpedo is a plasma-like weapon with a two-turn arming cycle. It has standard, doubled, and tripled arming levels; with one, two, or three points of power required on the first turn, and two, four, or six points of power on the second. Standard and doubled warheads can be held for one or two points of power respectively; tripled warheads cannot be held.
         The "splitter" aspect of the particle splitter torpedo comes into effect on the ninth impulse after launch; when the warhead splits into two, three, or four sub-warheads (depending on arming level) that must each be pre-recorded as aiming at a separate target. This makes the particle splitter torpedo a useful fleet support weapon; sub-munitions can be used to target enemy fighters or tachyon missiles at medium range, while providing the Vari with a useful short-range deterrent (where the torpedo can hit before splitting).
In a duel scenario, it may be an idea to take a leaf from a common Probr playbook, and plan to alternate between the port and starboard particle splitter torpedo launchers on successive turns. If planning on using the doubled arming level (which is still effective in the short-range exchanges the Vari favor), this would allow the Vari captain to budget for a more reasonable arming expenditure (two two-point and two four-point torpedoes per turn). This would then allow for the ship to keep its options at speed. Unlike the Probr, which would wish to keep their distance when rolling down successive accentuated high energy acceptance torpedo launches, the Vari should maintain their preference for short-range "spider's embraces;" the less room the target has to run out the pre-split warheads, the better.
         The Wing Cruiser should save the tripled arming level for attacks on slow or immobile targets, or if providing medium-range support to fleets of older and slower Vari ships. (Its larger counterpart from Captain's Log #23, the command cruiser, is in a better position to run its pair of particle splitter torpedoes at the tripled arming level, befitting its role as a fleet flagship.)
         If using a Wing Cruiser to forward your cell's ambitions, order a double-double of particle splitter torpedoes each turn . . . and pour them down the throats of your would-be prey.
(End of SFB Tactic of the Month)

F&E Strategy of the Month


         When it comes time to bust up Alliance battle stations, consider committing one or two D6s to the battle. A force with a D6 as the leader, a F5S, and another D6 with an escort carrier group and a squadron of F5 frigates will provide the necessary combat potential to reduce an undefended battle station.
         When taking damage, be sure to cripple a D6 after giving up the escort carrier group's fighters. After the battle, retrograde the crippled D6 to a starbase and use conversion during repair to convert it to one of the D6 variants. This way you get a discounted conversion plus the use of the hull in one of the smaller battles of the invasion.
(End of F&E Strategy of the Month)

A Call To Arms: Star Fleet Tactic of the Month

         One of the things that becomes rapidly apparent in A Call to Arms: Star Fleet is that ship-vs.-ship combat is a lot more savage than it is in Star Fleet Battles. Often times in small engagements the fighting can be over in as little as two or three turns. This makes decisions on which Special Action you use crucial to your survival. Empires that have to rely on the Reload Weapons! Special Action in order to bring their heavy weapons back on line may need to take a moment to weigh the options. If you have already taken shield damage, it may be in your best interest to use the Boost Energy to Shields! Special Action over the Reload Weapons! Special Action. Both cause power drain, but the extra shield boxes you gain now can pay off in a bigger dividend than the threat of having heavy weapons ready for a next turn of combat that may not even be needed.
(End of A Call to Arms: Star Fleet Tactic of the Month)